Firstly, my iphone 4. SUCH TECHNOLOGY!! I have never actually owned an un-plastic mobile phone, so having a phone that has significantly more features than an alarm is a shock to the system. The default map app entertained me for a while as I zoomed in and out of suburban Sydney. I sit at work, feeding my virtual birds and it's like my 8th grade obsession with my tamagotchi all over again.
Secondly, these YSL boots. I picked them up at the post office 15 minutes ago, and I have to pinch myself to really believe that they're here and they're MINE! There is a semi epic story behind these, but lets just say there were some strongly worded ebay conversations, and I am grateful they made it here without harm.
Seeing Dita Von Teese tonight for her "Be Cointreauversial" show! Will be wearing my best nipple tassles in her honour. Can't wait!
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